Thursday, November 18, 2010

In the Last Two Days I Have...

-Completed four pull questions (that actually occurred within the last 24 hours)
-Drawn a timeline for one of my pull questions, complete with color-coded motif tracking. My Biblical Lit and Old and New Testament History classes from high school came in very handy.
-Gotten my first Torrey paper back for revisions. It is a mess of red pen, black pen, and probably a few of my tears.
-Almost scheduled a ride back home for Thanksgiving.
-Laughed, cried, smiled, thought, prayed, stressed, and stared at my bookshelf.
-Been reminded that I am not the only one freaking out about her major.
-Received more hugs than I probably have a right to.
-Realized how blessed I am.
-Gotten a whole new outlook on the book I previously viewed as the most boring book of the Bible (Numbers).
-Realized that the majority of the book of Numbers really can be sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas" (courtesy of Mary Kate Reynolds).
-Gotten cast as an extra in a film shoot.
-Proclaimed my Torrey nerd-ness by wearing a T-shirt that says "Aslan is on the Move" all over campus.
-Had chills go up my spine when I heard Matthew 6:33 read to me in the middle of a crazy mass of people in the caf.
-Promised myself that I will finish my Brit Lit essay by Saturday.
-Watched "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed." At Biola. (For those who have forgotten, Biola is one of the places Ben Stein visited on his travels to understand Intelligent Design and its implications).
-Eaten lasagna from the Knotts Berry Farm restaurant and realized that it looks and tastes remarkably like the Stoffers lasagna I used cook for my family.
-Been thoroughly encouraged by the presence and attitude of my dear friend, Juliet San Nicolas.
-Realized that one week from today I will be eating bar-be-qued turkey and stuffing, pumpkin pie, crock-pot green beans and bacon, and, of course, potatoes.
-Tried very hard not to be jealous of Austin Smith and his copy of the complete letters of C.S. Lewis.
-Realized that almost exactly one year ago I was visiting APU and wanting to go there...and now I thank God for putting me at Biola.

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