Saturday, August 28, 2010

Randomness of College

So much amazing stuff happens in college. It's awesome. Here's a sampling...

-Having a mind-blowing Torrey session, and then having a lovely discussion on how to discuss better.
-Berry Cool. Three days in a row. Each time with amazing people.
-Praying with my Torrey group.
-Getting lost in La Mirada. At night.
-Wearing a toga.
-Reading the Odyssey sitting in the Sigma lobby.
-Playing Apples to Apples til way too late.
-Making references to "destiny" and "fate" and almost getting punched for doing so.
-Holing up in the Biola library for hours at a time.
-Swing dancing!
-Dancing around my dorm room because I'm so excited.
-Little victories. Like scheduling office hours with Professor Klapauzak.
-Watching hundreds of people praising God with you, lifting their hands to Him.
-Singing "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love" with everyone from Sigma.
-Realizing that for six years, I have said I "want" to go to Biola, I "will" go to Biola, and realizing that now I actually, really, truly, do go to Biola.

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