One of my friends told me about a book called One Thousand Gifts that she is reading and how she is starting a project: listing 1,000 things she is thankful for. So, I am going to do it, too, and remind myself of what God is giving me each day.
1. Rain.
2. The smell of the world after it rains.
3. People who offer a ride home from church so my friends and I don't have to walk twenty minutes in the rain back to campus.
4. My church at home.
5. My church in La Mirada.
6. Being in Torrey.
7. My friends and family.
8. God-pleasing couples around me.
9. That Biola people are honest and turn in the flash drive I left in the library to the lost-and-found instead of taking it themselves.
10. The words to the hymn "All I Have Is Christ," specifically this verse:
But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross.
This is an awesome idea. I might do something like it.