My Torrey Friends say the funniest things. Here are my favorites...
Note: For anyone who reads these quotes and doubts the character of my friends: they are all good, upstanding, Christian men and women who just say the weirdest things sometimes.
"Mary Kate Reynolds...needs to read the Iliad like the Muses are her homeboys." -Mary Kate Reynolds' Facebook status
"Why do we read Beowulf? Because Tolkein told us to." -Dr. Sanders
Dr. Reynolds: "What's wrong with Homer?"
Cale Wright: "He's telling us to put our heads in a meat grinder?"
"Snogging to church music is weird." -Dr. Reynolds
"That was blind-mowing!" -Rachel Harris
"A daaaamn shoot!" -Rachel Harris
"What the heck are 'sandal buddies'?! Is that a subtle way of saying we're playing footsies without shoes on?" -Sean Tosello
"What do you do with guys? You marry them!" -Elizabeth Bush
[Context: when two people try to talk at the same time in our group during class, they do rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to talk. Some have been known to do this when two people volunteer at the same time to pray for someone...] "Did you just cheat at rock-paper-scissors so you could pray for someone? That sounds like something Dante would do!" -Sean Tosello
"I'm gonna have the biggest ripped esophagus ever!" -Sean Tosello
"Great. Now I'm an Irish gangster." -me
"You're a hot Irish nerd, and I love you." -Elizabeth Bush to me
"There's nothing better than a Biola bad boy. It's like an Azusa Pacific Christian." -Dr. Reynolds
"Dante PWNS Milton." -Juliet San Nicolas
"Real men love Jane Austen." -Juliet San Nicolas
"I have a thing for male vocalists." -Sean Tosello
"R.A. Torrey scared the crap out of me this morning!" -Rachel Harris
"Did you just pray, 'Thank You, God, for his lightening-fast haircut?'" -Dr. Henderson
"It was published posthumously. Of course, it wasn't written posthumously." -Dr. Sanders
"It is impossible to look manly while drinking out of a straw." -Sean Hansen
"How is it that all the good-looking guys are in Torrey?!" -Elizabeth Bush
"Blessings are like the lovechild between fate and destiny." -Dave Martin
"My mom liked Simon and Garfunkle and the Monkeys, and my dad liked the Romanovs. What can I say?" -Mary Kate Reynolds
"Bam, Milton! Suck it! You just got pwned by the Bible!" -Rachel Harris
"I pray that You will make them smart at some point." -Nick Conrad, praying about my Torrey group
Torrey group quotes are the best :)