Monday, July 5, 2010

Lazy Summer Days

If you know me, you know that I don't like to spend my days doing nothing. I would much rather be in school than be sitting around my house doing nothing. I like to be productive, and I like to be around people.

Which means it is quite odd that I have found myself with an entire summer without a job, summer school, or much else to do. Not that I'm completely deprived of activity. I still have volunteer stuff to do, Homer's Iliad to read, college to pack and plan for, friends to talk to, odd jobs to do, and errands to run. But after a school year chock-full of deadlines, projects, applications, and senior year paraphenalia, summer feels very...lazy.

But then I got thinking...maybe this lazy summer is a good thing. I like to be busy, but during my senior year, the ordered chaos of high school got a little too busy and cost me my health and endangered my safety, not to mention the safety of those around me. Could God be using a seemingly useless summer to teach me to rest and relax in Him? To teach me that I don't have to always be doing something to be loved and accepted by Him? That there's more to life than busy-ness?

I think it is quite possible.

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